Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Most Cited Article: Chlorins: Natural Sources, Synthetic Developments and Main Applications

Chlorins: Natural Sources, Synthetic Developments and Main Applications
Kleber T. de Oliveira, Patrícia B. Momo, Francisco F. de Assis, Marco A.B. Ferreira and Timothy J. BrocksomPages 42-58 (17)

Chlorin derivatives have attracted considerable attention over the last three decades in different scientific fields. These compounds are present in a large number of bacteria, fungi and in all plants found on Earth. Since the discovery of these pigments, chemists, biologists, medical professionals and materials scientists have devoted pronounced efforts in order to develop new synthetic methods and discover useful applications for these compounds. In this review we wish to cover the main natural chlorins, their natural sources, synthetic approaches to access these compounds, and the major applications.
Chlorin, chlorophylls, porphyrinoid, PDT, solar cells and natural dyes.
Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Rodovia Washington Luís, km 235 - SP-310, 13565-905, Sao Carlos - SP – Brazil.

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