Wednesday, 5 October 2016

High Impact Factor Journal:::Current Organic Synthesis

Current Organic Synthesis publishes in-depth reviews, original research articles and letter/short communications on all areas of synthetic organic chemistry i.e. asymmetric synthesis, organometallic chemistry, novel synthetic approaches to complex organic molecules, carbohydrates, polymers, protein chemistry, DNA chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, molecular recognition and new synthetic methods in organic chemistry. The frontier reviews provide the current state of knowledge in these fields and are written by experts who are internationally known for their eminent research contributions. The journal is essential reading to all synthetic organic chemists. Current Organic Synthesis should prove to be of great interest to synthetic chemists in academia and industry who wish to keep abreast with recent developments in key fields of organic synthesis.

Abstracted & Indexed in:

Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Chemistry Citation Index®, ISI Alerting Services, Current Contents® / Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Review Report and Meetings, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, ProQuest, PubsHub, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, Genamics JournalSeek and J-Gate.
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